Next Election: Edo Governorship Elections-21st September 2024

INEC Makes Case For Sustainable ADR Culture in the Political Process.
Hon. Nat. Commissioner, Prof Anthonia Okoosi-Simbine has canvassed the need to deepen the culture of Electoral Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) in Nigeria’s political process.
Speaking at the opening of a two-day workshop for 60 EADR Focal Persons from 30 registered Political parties in Calabar, Cross River State, Prof.    Simbine stressed the need for political parties to explore the rich African heritage of peaceful dispute resolution, rather than preference for court litigation, which often fosters enmity for life, long after cases have been disposed of.
“Our traditional forms of dispute resolution are still with us. We have simply failed to use them. Our failure is simply because we have imbued the litigation process with so much efficacy that we assume that only a judge sitting in judgment over our matters can resolve them. And then, we leave the court rooms with, and continue to dwell in our animosities” she said.
The Hon. National Commissioner, disclosed that the Commission has employed the EADR platform to resolved a number of electoral  disputes at the request of political stakeholders, describing the successes recorded by the use of EADR, as indication that, “political stakeholders  have realized that democratic elections are themselves dispute resolution method.
“ However, the ascendency of alternative dispute resolution processes now present subtle and non-adversary means of negotiation between segments of electoral constituencies so that no one perceives themselves as neglected” she added.
Commissioner Simbine urged participants to utilized the knowledge acquired in the workshop  to make, “politics and political activities   the game it should be.
In her goodwill message, Resident Electoral Commissioner in Cross River State, Dame Gesila khan, described the workshop as, another giant leap in the Commission’s “strides to deepen intra party relations among key stakeholders in the political process.
“I am very pleased to note further that, the Commission has chosen to build on the successes recorded by the activation of the ADR mechanism to resolve otherwise thorny pre-election intra party disputes during the run up to the 2015 general elections, by this training” she added.
“It is indeed my hope and I dare say , that of the Commission’s leadership, here present, that the lessons learnt by this noble exercise would further strengthen and improve the quality of political participation , as well as the capacity of the Commission to deliver on its mandate” Commissioner Khan said.
In her welcome remarks, Director, EADR, Mrs Ngozi  Oghuma  emphasized the need for political stakeholders to embrace alternative dispute resolution, as a viable alternative to deepen intra party relations, as well as the democratic culture in Nigeria.
The workshop brought together 60 EADR Focal Persons from 30 registered political parties, with two persons selected from each political party.
The workshop took participants through two days of plenary and syndicate group sessions, with two seasoned Mediators, as Resource Persons.

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